About The Present

For those who are on the Path, sincerity and selflessness are necessary. Therefore, hold each other, rather than pushing each other into the opening abyss. Give a hand if a person is still able to see it. Such will be grateful and continue to go.

However, do not play with those who like to use other people’s energy. They are used to get the last piece of food out of the other’s mouth. Say “no” to such and go away.

Do not try to change those who do not want change themselves, because they are not yet ready, but change yourselves. Even those marked with the I Cosmic Consecration are not yet able to help those who need other people’s energy, rather than perception. They do not have to work with these, and especially those who have stepped over the threshold of the II Cosmic Consecration. Nobody has to use his energy and time in vain, until a person having problems decides to see and understand his inner causes of the problems, because help can be given only to such, if he is ready to get down to work.

Now, there are many of those who abuse other people’s energy, because they cannot produce their own, or they are unwilling, or lazy. This is energetic vampirism. What prevents such from praying, performing selected spiritual practices? What prevents such from becoming better, and not only to try to look such? Therefore, ask these questions to those who want Your energy. However, remind them that they need to pray constantly, and not only when they go to the house of worship, meet spiritual people, or when trouble presses. This is the beginning.

At this particular period of the Earth, mental diseases can become more acute, as well as an inclination to addictions. Most of such people have lots of selfishness and pride, so they will learn a lot and recover by changing these properties to service and love. Good practice is introspection in mutual relations and everyday situations. However, one does not have to be distressed, but has to control their self-expression and responses by changing them with others. Prayer is helpful in this case.

Acute practices are very dangerous to a human with a sensitive psyche, because they flare up the disease and cause obsessions. His energy systems are vulnerable, thus foreign energy gets into them without difficulty, and have an effect on them. Now, there are many lost souls and shadows without self-realization haunting both humans and animals. They are looking for those who they could adhere to and realize themselves, as they need energy when they decompose. As a result, sometimes, not only a psychiatrist, but also good priest’s support is necessary for such person, because mental diseases often have a non-physical nature.

Therefore, remember the old occult rule: those with psychosis or an obsession must defer strong practices and occult studies for three years. At that time, traditional religious prayers and rituals rooted in birth country are very useful, as well as a healthy diet, a beautiful worldly life and work with the development of professional skills and characteristics of Saturn. Alcohol and drugs, even the lightest must be forever removed from their lives, as they further activate the issue. Select appropriate ways of service and learn to help others. One should forget his importance instead of sinking in it, but one has to develop his individuality. Lessons of mutual relations are ones of the most important, so one should not retreat from other people, but see the causes of conflicts in oneself and deal with them realistically.

Shadows without self-realization often hang by high accident rate, harsh, severe, or otherwise known as “special” places. Therefore, at present one of the most important works of all world’s religious, priests of all spiritual directions and those who can see inhabitants of other worlds – is to help souls who can not get out, go farther away, and to decompose playing evil shadows that suck people’s energy and induce suicide and disasters. There are so many of them that even the Earth’s climate is influenced. These shadows become the object of manipulations of worlds of Darkness, so they can be sent like zombies purposely where necessary. Thus, unexplained cases of suicides, violence or addictions are increasing, because people obsessed by them behave in the way not characteristic to them.

The timbre of Earth is changing, so the nervous system receives a new load. It is important to have a healthy way of thinking, nutrition and a sincere faith in Light and Goodness. The lowest dose of alcohol may have a hundredfold impact on sensitive individuals, as it dulls consciousness permanently and hurts spiritual chakras of the head. They will atrophy without awakening. Alcohol induces selfishness and pride, thus promoting involution.

The weakest narcotics become terrible poison to consciousness. They open illusory worlds and bring the person to the state of somnambulism. The person living in this virtual illusion does not perceive the reality in which he has to live now, because his soul has come to an earthly reality, and not a virtual narcotic illusory one. It is necessary to find the Path in earthly reality, so that evolution took place, rather than illusory one or foisted by demons.

Drugs have effect upon hypothalamus which is responsible for the bodily sensations, then a person can travel in his own chakras content and talk to it like to high entities. They let their spiritual chakras sleep and close those that have not yet opened.

While the sun and all its planets, including the Earth, are moving into a new vibration frequency, any drugs and alcohol keep man in his old stage of consciousness in which he eventually gets stuck. Therefore, drugs are offered only by those worlds, to which stuck souls are useful, because it is easy to control such souls… and take them.

Meat supports desires of the physical body, as well as addictions, and attachments. So be careful when choosing food. Eat not because it is necessary, but when the hunger strikes. Water is important to body, so even if the food is less needed, it is necessary to drink two litres of water a day.

Find a natural rhythm of your body and follow it at work. When solar activity is increased, strain becomes dangerous to the nervous system, so the body begins to suffer. However, just as harmful is laziness. When man is too lazy not only to work, but also to maintain and provide for himself, then he seeks for servants or turns others into them naturally. Under existing conditions, natural amber is useful, because it soothes extraneous factors of the great transition.

Now, another group of people is formed. They live in virtual reality, interacting only with the computer or through it. The internet should have made people’s lives easier. However, very often any conveniences on the Earth begin to function the other way round. The internet becomes the source of direct and indirect programming, and addiction to the signals of these programs acts like a drug. In this way, a road opens for obsessions. Computer games have been developed to train the mind functions, but most of them support the sleep of consciousness. Live people are replaced with a view and the virtual communication. In this way, man is prepared for the process of robotization. The worlds of Light really do not try to achieve this. Online books can not replace real books that a person takes in his hands. There is no life in them, only the plane surface of information. Therefore, we ask you not to publish the texts on the Internet that had not been printed in books, because in this way the energy quality is distorted. What gets into the web space is locked in the space created by the virtual rational technogenic mind. Everything should have a moderation. Internet is suited for information change, but the spirit energy is alien to it. Those who don’t read books anymore, but are satisfied with online texts remain closed in a world created by ethereal mind where everything is just a reflection of what worlds that lie beyond the limits of the world radiate.

Natural means are now necessary for perception: work with one’s flaws and poor attachments, alternating self-employment to work in a team. Sincere acceptance of Goodness and Light values is important, understanding their meaning and applying them to one’s life. Prayer and spiritual practices carried out consciously, prepare You as the dish, so that the Spirit could descend into it.

2012 10 28 S.